ASPSA coordinates individual and group tutoring appointments and guided study sessions for student-athletes on the 2nd floor of the Loudermilk Center for Excellence. Tutoring sessions that cover a wide range of subject areas occur five evenings a week (Sundays – Thursdays). It is a goal of the tutorial program to provide assistance for all requests made.
ASPSA tutors attend a training program to inform them of UNC, ASPSA, and NCAA policies and procedures. Tutors submit feedback forms for each session. ASPSA employs approximately 90 tutors each semester who are graduate students and local educators who are content experts in their field.
For information on how to obtain a tutor, cancellation policies, and infraction information, please click on the Students link here: Students
For information on how to become a tutor, a copy of our tutoring handbook, or other tutorial resources, please click on the Tutors link here: Tutors